The member web services site is for active and deferred members only.
Please click on the image below to access your personal information and restricted pension scheme information. This will open a new window for you to log into a secure site.

Should you experience any problems logging in, please try using the expanding help sections below or alternatively, contact Equiniti on 0845 408 2991 or email Please include a screen shot of any error message. Please ensure that you check your internet browser security settings before contacting us as this may be causing some initial problems.
Logging in
When accessing the website, you will be prompted to enter your User Name and Password which you would have been previously sent.
Your username is your Member Number.
Your initial password is your year of birth followed by your National Insurance number.
For Mr John Smith, born 05/04/1968, NI Number YX231564D, Member Number 4773452
Username: 4773452
Initial Password: 1968YX231564D
When you first access the site, you will be asked to confirm your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. You will also be asked to change your password. This needs to be at least 9 characters long and must include both upper and lower case letters and one or more numbers. Remember to keep your password safe and not disclose it to anyone.
If you are using the website for the first time, you will then be asked to accept the Conditions of Use. If you do not accept the Conditions of Use, you will be denied access to the website.
What if I have forgotten my password or username?
To obtain a new password you will need to contact the Pensions Service Centre on 0845 408 2991 and let them know you are calling about the Thales scheme. It would be helpful to have your member reference number to hand.They will arrange for your record to be reset. Alternatively you can email: In order to protect your data, we are unable to remind you of your username or to provide a facility to change it.